Ease. What happens in your body when you hear that word? What images come to mind?
I have a friend who grows beautiful flowers. She often takes a stroll through her beds, clipping and stripping and poking the stems into a jar. When she is finished, she has created a lovely bouquet. She makes it look easy because though it is lots of work for her, the growing of things is a part of who she is. It seems like magic to me, because none of that process comes with ease for me.
When she hands the bouquet to me to take home for my table, it is a wonderful gift.
What she has done is to transfer the gift of her ease to my benefit. All I do is accept it, and enjoy it. It is one of the ways she loves me, and I am very grateful.
We might expend a lot of effort trying to be with God. To pursue Him, and to hear Him, to obey Him, perhaps. We become disgruntled when we don't "succeed," and He seems hard to find or more quiet than we'd like. But here is a thing to ponder:
God's desire is for us.
His Holy Spirit is embodied within us.
He delights in us, and delights in our desire of Him.
He is present to us, always.
For Him, it is easy.
It's part of who He is.
How would it be to allow Him to transfer His ease to our benefit? To accept His gift of breath, and life, and presence, and delight, for all He has made it to be. Ease, a gift from the One who is already with us, to do all the clipping, stripping and arranging. A beautiful creation, with love from the Creator.
Be loved, beloveds.